There’s nothing more satisfying than cuddling up with your favourite furry friend on a beautiful spring day. But you should know that spring is also the time of year for fleas and ticks to lurk around. With these two pesky arthropods on the prowl, it is crucial to be aware of tick prevention for pets and how to keep fleas from irritating your furry friend.

When spring begins, these bloodthirsty little critters start looking for hosts. As such, you must take extra precautions to keep your pets safe.

What are Ticks and How They Are a Concern for Your Pets

Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that feed on their hosts’ blood. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and other furry animals are common hosts for these tiny parasites. 

Pets are especially vulnerable to ticks because they’re furry, which allows ticks to attach to them and be carried to other locations. If your pet spends time outdoors, you should know about ticks and how to prevent your pet from getting bitten by one.

Although they are easy to ignore, ticks are a growing concern as they thrive in environments where hosts are more accessible, including wooded areas, parks, and yards with un-treated grass and bushes.

They are challenging to see, but you can check your pet for ticks by using a tick and flea comb, a tick remover, or looking at your pet’s fur. If you find a tick on your pet, you should remove it as soon as possible.

What are Fleas, And Why They’re a Concern for Your Pet

Fleas are small, wingless insects that belong to the insect family Cimicidae. They feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals and can cause itching and irritation in pets.

Fleas can also cause allergic reactions in animals and humans. Because of this, fleas are a common problem for pet owners. Dogs, cats, and rabbits are the favourite hosts of fleas.

Fleas are prevalent in homes where pets are allowed to roam free. They likely came with your pet when you moved in, and your pet may have brought them with them when they went outside.

Fleas survive the winter months by hiding in places such as carpets, rugs, and feather beds. They then emerge as the weather becomes warmer in spring. 

Flea bites can cause skin reactions in pets, itching that sometimes turns red, raised areas of inflamed skin, and open sores. A pet can develop anemia in extreme cases due to excessive flea bites. They can also cause infections and even transmit diseases from one pet to another or to humans and vice versa.

Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe From Fleas And Ticks

  • Keep your pets on a leash or behind a fence when in your yard or garden. This way, they can’t crawl around flea or tick-infested areas
  • Use a flea and tick collar
  • Consult a veterinary clinic in Aurora to get a tick and flea prevention prescription
  • Vacuum your carpets and rugs frequently.
  • Try to keep your furry fellows indoors as much as you can during the spring
  • Get over-the-counter tick and flea medications or repellants
  • Keep your pets away from the woods and high grass areas
  • Frequently mow the lawn
  • Visit an animal hospital to test your pet for heartworm and tick-borne diseases
  • Get a tick and flea comb to search for the parasites on your pets’ bodies
  • Use a tick and flea remover to remove the parasites as soon as you find them in your pet’s fur


Although fleas and ticks are a common nuisance in the spring, these are steps you can take to keep your pets safe from this season’s infestations. And while it’s essential to keep your pets flea and tick-free, you shouldn’t try to treat them with chemicals or use harsh chemicals around your home.