As a pet parent, you know it is quite concerning and worrisome when your beloved pet goes missing. And without a form of identification attached to your furry friend, they might end up in rescue shelters or stranded outdoors. Or they could end up getting hurt, sick, or even euthanized.


Even with an ordinary collar for cats and dogs, wear and tear over time, or the pet’s actions could destroy the identification tag. Luckily, a modern technology called microchip is on our side today. It is an excellent solution to trace your pet. The best part is that it is safer, cheaper, and convenient.


What Is Microchipping? 

Ask your veterinarian about microchipping and the risks involved, and you’ll be pleased to know the entire procedure is short, painless, and completely safe. A microchip, the size of a rice grain, is inserted between the pet’s shoulder blades. The chip itself is enclosed in a unique glass cartridge. It is inert and completely compatible with the body. Rest assured that once the chip is implanted into the pet, there won’t be any complications, side effects, or adverse reactions.


The vet will use a special syringe and needle during the installation procedure. Although the chip requires a larger needle for the injection, the procedure is almost painless and barely noticeable by the pets.


The procedure does not even require the administration of anesthesia. But suppose you expect your pet to resist or react during the process. In that case, you can have the pet microchipped during a dental cleaning or a neutering surgery since these procedures incorporate anesthesia.


How Does it Work?

The microchip can be scanned by any universal detector or a radio receiver device. Upon scanning, a unique alpha-numeric code is revealed to the scanner. The scanner can immediately detect the chip by hovering over its location on the pet’s body. However, a chip can migrate to other areas (safely), so it is advised to scan the animal’s entire body while checking.


Once the microchip has been successfully administered, it must be registered with a microchipping company as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this is because the chip does not have GPS capabilities that can be tracked at all times. If your pet does get lost and someone manages to find it, the company will get notified as soon as the pet’s microchip gets scanned.


The veterinary clinic where you have the pet-microchip implanted will probably also possess the contact information and references for a microchip registering company. They will only take a small one-time fee, but their services will remain available throughout your pet’s life. The chip itself does not require any batteries or charging either, so consider your tracking arrangements sorted.


Why Should You Get Your Pet Microchipped?

Although very convenient, a chip injected into your pet is no substitute for being a responsible owner. But it provides a great backup plan for when your pet goes missing.

The procedure is inexpensive, safe, and painless. And the chip itself is a long-lasting implant that is more effective than any ear-tattoo or collar. It can pinpoint you to the area where your pet is located. The company can then connect you to the rescuer who found your missing pet.


Vet Clinic in Aurora

If you want to learn more about having your pet microchipped, head over to our veterinary clinic in Aurora. A veterinarian with extensive experience in microchipping pets will carry out the procedure at our animal hospital. They will discuss the entire procedure with you before doing the installation.