If this is your first time having a pregnant pet at home, you might be unsure how to help her through this process. The good news is that caring for a pregnant pet should be straightforward with the proper knowledge and preparation.

Read on to learn more about caring for a pregnant pet, from knowing whether your pet is pregnant to getting her ready for breeding to delivering her puppies or kittens.

How to Tell if Your Pet is Pregnant

Pregnancy in dogs is much like in humans — it lasts about nine weeks, and you can expect changes in your pet’s body and behaviour during this time.

One of the first signs of pregnancy in dogs is a change in her appetite. Many dogs suddenly crave certain foods, which is normal.

Other changes you may notice in your dog include a change in her behaviour, increased urination, and nesting (all of which are normal during pregnancy). You may also see that your dog’s abdomen becomes more prominent, and her nipples may swell and become darker.

Taking your pet to a veterinary clinic is a good idea if you’re unsure whether your pet is pregnant. The vet can conduct various tests to determine if she’s pregnant and how far along she is.

Caring for a Pregnant Pet

Pets need proper care during pregnancy and post-pregnancy. Read on for some essential tips to care for your pregnant pet.


Taking care of your dog’s diet during her pregnancy is essential because they require more energy to go through this phase. Make sure to feed her a high-calorie diet so that she stays energized and healthy. Pregnant dogs typically consume 35 to 50% more food than they usually do.

While there aren’t many specific requirements for what to feed your pregnant pet, it’s important to provide her with dog-specific food rich in all the essential nutrients. You may also ask the vet at your nearby animal hospital for recommendations on feeding your pregnant dog or cat.

And during the last five weeks of her pregnancy, increase your pet’s food intake but ensure to do so gradually. This helps prepare the body of pregnant dogs to give birth.

Exercising Your Pregnant Pet

It’s essential to exercise your dog regularly during her pregnancy, but you’ll want to be cautious not to overwork her. Instead, try taking her on three or four short daily walks. If you walk your dog too far or too vigorously during her pregnancy, you risk injuring her and her unborn puppies.

Help Your Pregnant Pet Give Birth

Thankfully, most dogs can give birth without any assistance. But you can do a few things to help your pet if she needs help giving birth.

  • Make sure she is somewhere warm and safe and has plenty of room to move around.
  • Stay nearby if your dog appears to be in active labour. This will let you know if she needs help.
  • Prepare for the possibility of emergency births. If you notice that your dog is having trouble giving birth, you may need to take her to the vet.

Visit the Vet

Your pet needs to see the vet occasionally throughout her pregnancy. Pregnancy can take its toll on a dog’s body and health. It may stress her organs, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.

It’s easy to miss early warning signs that something isn’t right with your dog. A routine visit with the veterinarian will give you peace of mind and help you monitor her health at every stage of her pregnancy.

Plus, the professionals at a veterinary clinic in Aurora can examine your pet for intestinal parasites or perform deworming with proper medication. Also, be sure to ask the vet for suggestions if your pregnant dog is overdue for vaccinations.