Being faced with a medical emergency for your pet can be quite worrisome. And if the problem is not dealt with properly and in time, it can cause bigger health issues for your pup later on.


Veterinary Clinic in Aurora

Most animal hospitals, such as our veterinary clinic in Aurora, are available throughout the day to help you deal with emergencies. But, having a first aid kit handy can ensure that if your pet ever faces such a dilemma, you have everything you need on hand to help your furry friend.


While you can find first aid kits for your dog or cat in stores, it’s easy to make one yourself. The best part of a DIY first aid kit is that you can customize it according to your pet’s needs.


Let’s look at the essential things your dog’s first aid kit should include.



When there’s an emergency, you want to make sure your pets’ medical history is on hand. This includes things like vaccination details and other medical records. You may also want to keep your veterinarian’s information here in case you need to contact them, as well as directions to the animal hospital you frequent in case your pet is with a babysitter.


Antibiotic Ointments

If your pet spends time outdoors, there is always the chance that they may get a small cut or wound while playing around. Having antibiotic ointments in the first aid kit can help alleviate the pain and prevent infections from developing around the cut.


Scissors, Tape, and Gauze

In case of larger cuts that bleed a lot, you can use gauze to manage the bleeding. You can even use it as a temporary brace in case of suspected fractures while you get your pet to the veterinary clinic. Even if it isn’t a long-term solution, acting immediately when your pet is hurt can prevent bigger problems from developing.


Water and Emergency Food

Make sure the first aid kit has a bottle of water for your pet in case you’re unable to get some elsewhere. Also, keep some emergency food ready just in case you happen to run out. Having treats available can also help distract your pet in case of an emergency, so you can deal with the actual problem without your pet creating a fuss.



Of course, medication is a vital part of first aid. It is a good idea to have your pets’ usual medication ready at all times. It may also help to have some vet-approved, non-prescription medicines available. These could include meds for stomach problems, antacids, sedatives, or medicines for fleas and ticks, especially when travelling with your pet.


Comfort Items

Comfort items are often glossed over as part of your pet’s first aid since they don’t seem to be important enough. However, if your pet is in pain or there is an emergency, they would want to feel comforted, and having a few comfort items like a toy and a soft blanket can help them feel calmer when there is an emergency.


Pet Safety Guidebook

Keep a guidebook in your first aid kit so you can quickly find essential information to handle pet emergencies. If you are preparing a first aid kit for your cat, you can keep a cat safety handbook along with all the other items mentioned in this list.


Make sure that everyone who is taking care of your pet knows where the first aid kit is so that they can handle the situation appropriately.


While first aid kits can be helpful for immediate care, you must get your pet’s health checked by your veterinarian as well. In case of emergencies, you can contact our Animal Hospital in Aurora for a professional examination and treatment.